Radon Testing & Mitigation
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is present outdoors and within every building. The problem arises when too much radon accumulates inside a building and becomes an indoor air quality issue and health hazard. You cannot see, smell or taste radon and as a result, elevated levels could be present inside a building and you would never know without testing for it.
Health Canada conducted radon testing across the country in approximately 14,000 homes. Their final report determined that approximately 7% of all homes across the country have radon levels above our national guideline of 200 Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m³). Health Canada’s report concluded that “there are no areas of the country that are ‘radon free’. The report also concluded that “the only way to know if a home has an elevated level of radon is to test, regardless of the location”. |
C-NRPP Certified Staff
Pinchin’s Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) certified staff deliver professional radon testing and mitigation services for due diligence and occupant health and safety. We can design cost-effective solutions that will effectively reduce radon in any home or building.
Radon Test Kits
Testing for radon is a relatively simple procedure when testing a single-family dwelling but is more complicated when testing a larger building such as a school or office building. Considerations include occupancy patterns within rooms or areas, and the proximity of the device to the floor, walls, ceiling, other objects and mechanical systems in the test area.
Radon Videos
What is Radon?
How can Radon harm us?
How can you test for radon?
Developing a Radon testing program for a portfolio of buildings
How does radon enter a building?
How can we mitigate radon gas in buildings
Mitigation of soil gases
What about mitigating other soil gases in buildings?
What are the radon regulations in Canada?
What can we do about mitigating radon in new buildings?